Mayor’s office-Presidency.

The Mayor’s office helps the Mayor take immediate decisions. It is formed by reliable secretaries and staff, who advice the Mayor in matters of event planning and communication, image and institutional affairs. The Mayor’s Office also works in coordination with other delegations and departments of the Manacor Town Hall. The social press affairs, public relations and protocol departments report to the Mayor’s Office. The Mayor’s office helps the Mayor take immediate decisions. It is formed by reliable secretaries and staff, who advice the Mayor in matters of event planning and communication, image and institutional affairs. The Mayor’s Office also works in coordination with other delegations and departments of the Manacor Town Hall. The social press affairs, public relations and protocol departments report to the Mayor’s Office.

Oficines centrals Aj. de Manacor
del Convent, s/n
07500 - Manacor

: de 8 a 14 hores
: 971849100 extensió #1231


L'Ajuntament de Manacor tancarà les platges del municipi per la nit de Sant Joan
La Junta Local de Seguretat ha acordat avui la col·laboració de la Policia Local amb la Policia Nacional i la Guàrdia Civil per dur a terme aquesta mesura
El ple aprova un nou sistema de fiscalització per a l'Ajuntament de Manacor per agilitar la tramitació del pagament de factures
El consistori s'adapta així a la normativa estatal i les recomanacions de l'IGAE