Department of Tourism

Edifici Es Claustre
del Convent, s/n
07500 - Manacor

: 971 84 91 26
: [email protected]
: obert de dilluns a divendres de 8.00 h a 15.00 h


Les Coves del Drac acolliran dissabte 2 d’octubre un homenatge al centenari de José Luis García Berlanga
L’Ajuntament de Manacor col·labora amb l’esdeveniment, que projectarà El verdugo en un dels escenaris on va ser rodada fa prop de seixanta anys
Sabies que...
How to arrive to Manacor
From Palma (port and airport) you can reach Manacor following road Ma-715 ,either by car or by bus (central bus station in carrer Eusebi Estada in Palma). There is also a train from Palma Center (Plaza de España) through Inca and arrival in Manacor. Clicking on the following links you will find the timetables.
How to arrive
How to arrive to Mallorca
Mallorca is the biggest island of the Balearic archipelago situated in the Mediterranean Sea, in the East of the spanish mainland. Since the 60's and 70's decades it is one of the most popular and famous european and worldwide tourist destination. As being an island you can only reach it by air or by sea. Below you will find several links to the flight and shipping companies.
Manacor’s environmental map has been made with the aim of promoting and introducing the natural characteristics of the municipality, to diversify visitors’ choices and to promote resources for alternative approaches to beach holidays. The intense coastal activity requires such an effort. We should make visitors aware that they should respect the natural values and that the environment deserves the respect of the people of Manacor and its visitors. The environmental map provides general information about the natural resources with their specific location, cycling routes, sites of landscape interest, protected spaces and interesting species, etc. Our objectives are to: 1. Provide information about the natural values and characteristics of the municipality of Manacor, natural spaces, public areas, protected species, environmental resources, etc. 2. Offer information about the natural environment of the municipality of Manacor, alternative and environmentally-friendly leisure resources, protected natural areas and its specific interest, etc. 3. Help identify the main elements of the natural heritage and the urban environment, highlighting its characteristics, interactions and organization. 4. Offer simplified, clear and very visual information of the alternative natural values of the municipality for local students and visitors. 5. Raise public awareness regarding the preservation of the coast, natural spaces, natural heritage and the protection of species and interesting sites.