
EDUCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROMOTION • Didactic resources for adequate environmental practices and knowledge of the environment. • Activities for educational centres: tree planting, beach cleaning, knowledge of the environment, waste management, etc. • Organization of environmental fairs with workshops with environmentally-friendly materials and educational activities for children and interesting material for young people. • Publications providing general information: Manacor environmental map, urban waste (separate your waste to recycle), Manacor’s environment, etc. • “Ecopunt” service (environmental information point). EDUCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROMOTION • Didactic resources for adequate environmental practices and knowledge of the environment. • Activities for educational centres: tree planting, beach cleaning, knowledge of the environment, waste management, etc. • Organization of environmental fairs with workshops with environmentally-friendly materials and educational activities for children and interesting material for young people. • Publications providing general information: Manacor environmental map, urban waste (separate your waste to recycle), Manacor’s environment, etc. • “Ecopunt” service (environmental information point).

Oficines centrals Aj. de Manacor
del Convent, s/n
07500 - Manacor

: 971 84 91 00


Nova recollida de poda domèstica. DILLUNS I DIJOUS.
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